Naučna konferencija o medicini
(Autor: FoNet)
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Beograd, – U Italijanskom kulturnom centru u Beogradu danas je održana naučna konferencija posvećena medicinskim istraživanjima u terapiji protiv tumora, u okviru ciklusa susreta “Italy meets Serbia”, koju promovišu ambasada Italije i Asocijacija italijanskih i srpskih naučnika i istraživača (AIS3).
Istaknuti italijanski i srpski eksperti razgovarali su o inovativnim terapijama u lečenju oboljenja od kancera i jasno su prepoznali nova polja bilateralne saradnje u oblasti obuke o najmodernijim tehnologijama u radioterapiji i nuklearnoj fizici, saopštila je italijanska ambasada.
Današnji susret je konkretno svedočanstvo o izuzetnoj i dinamičnoj naučnoj saradnji između Italije i Srbije, a veliki korak će biti načinjen 16. novembra kada će biti potpisan novi Izvršni program sa ustanovljenim zajedničkim istraživačkim projektima koji će se realizovati u periodu 2016-2018, izjavio je ambasador Đuzepe Manco.
Prema njegovim rečima, medicina i javno zdravlje su prioritetne oblasti za saradnju.
“Posebno, prenošenje osnovnih naučnih otkrića, u fizici i u hemiji, i njihova medicinska primena su suštinske teme i to ne samo za naše dve zemlje”, dodao je on.
Na naučnoj konferenciji posvećenoj translacionim istraživanjima u onkološkoj oblasti, realizovanoj uz naučnu podršku Instituta za nuklerna istraživanja “Vinča”, Italijanskog instituta za nuklearnu fiziku (INFN) i Onkološkog centra u Avijanu (CRO), učestvovali su istaknuti italijanski i srpski stručnjaci iz kliničkih i istraživačkih instituta.
Speech of the Italian Ambassador Giuseppe Manzo at the Conference:
• The Italian Language Week just ended last Friday . And today we are ready to re-start our common action with this meeting on translational research in the field of oncology.
• This time we are glad to inaugurate the “Month of Italian – Serbian Scientific Cooperation”, which will culminate with the signing of a new cooperation program, which identifies joint research projects to be implemented in the period 2016-2018.
• This is a solid evidence – the concrete scientific proof, I would say – of a bilateral cooperation that is going through a moment of extraordinary vitality . All this is well demonstrated by the success of the projects implemented by the First Executive Program. These are projects will be concluded by 2015 and their results will be presented next November 16th in an event organized by the Embassy together with the Ministry of Education.
• Incidentally, in the First Executive Program we count the 3 important projects carried on by researchers of the Vinca Institute.
• And just in Vinca, last February, on the occasion of my visit, the idea of this meeting came from. It’s a promise we kept, thanks to the work of Serbian and Italian researchers that I greet and thank for being here. And so I also want to express my appreciation for the active and effective role that the association AIS3 is playing in strengthening and promoting scientific and technological cooperation between our two countries.
• Medicine and Public Health are priority areas for our cooperation. In particular, the transfer of discoveries from basic sciences, physics and chemistry, to medical applications is a central issue not only for Italy and Serbia. And it’s encouraging to see gathered here in Belgrade authoritative experts from prestigious clinical and research institutions of our two countries, working actively on this issue.
• In this regard, I wish to quote the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs recently addressing the conference of Italian Science Attache: “We are living in a world with no particular barriers, where there are circulation and exchange of knowledge , economies and people, we must see all this as great opportunities”
• I wish therefore to all participants good work for this study day that I am convinced will contribute to make even stronger our cooperation the field of science and technology.