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Poljoprivreda: projekat između Srbije i Italije o korišćenju pesticida

Amb. Manco na kick off sastanku povodom Tvining projekta za zaštitu bilja

Obraćanja ambasadora Manca prilikom predstavljanja tvining projekta “Implementacija održive primene sredstava za zaštitu bilja“:

Plant protection is that kind of issues I would love to work on more and more. Don’t get me wrong: I am not willing to quit my job as an Ambassador and turn into an agronomist (I would not be capable). What I mean is that this Twinning Project between Italy and Serbia on Sustainable Use of Pesticides that we are presenting today is exactly that kind of project in which many priorities and opportunities come together and perfectly interact .
First, agriculture is a key sector for Serbian economy and we all know that the biggest challenge for the next Government will be boosting growth and employment. Italy is showing consistency in supporting this sector. The twinning project that is starting today is a new, important cooperation project. But it is not the first one. Last october we completed the Twinning Project between Italian and Serbian Agriculture Ministries on Vineyard and Wine production.
Secondly, also in the private sector the cooperation in the agriculture field is very strong: last February Ferrero signed a MoU with Serbian Ministry of Agriculture aimed at introducing the cultivation of hazelnut in Serbia. This year, Agriculture will also be the focus of the promotional action of ICE, Italian Trade Promotion Office in Belgrade (ICE will be present at the Novi Sad Agriculture Fair with an Italian pavillion).

But sustainable use of plant protection product is also related to the process Serbia is undergoing to comply with the EU standards within the accession negotiations. And it makes a lot of sense for Italy, a strong supporter of Serbia’s European path, to assist Serbian Government in this field as it does in many others, when it comes to training of magistrates, police cooperation and so on under famous chapters 23 e 24 of accession negotiations.
Finally let me just remind that plant protection is closely link with food quality. So this projects perfectly fits in Milan EXPO 2015, where Serbia has already announced its presence. The theme of Expo, “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”, encompasses agriculture, environment, health, science and research, food and energy. The same themes addressed by the upcoming EU’s new program for research and innovation, Horizon 2020.

Agencija TANJUG:

Danas predstavljanje projekta o zaštiti bilja

Projekat “Implementacija održive primene sredstava za zaštitu bilja i uspostavljanje sistema redovne tehničke inspekcije uredjaja za primenu pesticida” biće predstavljen danas u Palati Srbija, najavilo je Ministarstvo poljoprivrede. Cilj projekta je zaštita zdravlja ljudi i životne sredine od mogućih rizika povezanih sa primenom sredstava za zaštitu bilja.
Projekat finansira EU posredstvom Delegacije EU u Srbiji, iz programa IPA 2012, i biće realizovan u naredne dve godine (februar 2014 – februar 2016).
Konferenciju će otvoriti direktor Uprave za zaštitu bilja i vodja projekta sa srpske strane Ferenc Bagi, dok je menadžer projekta iz Delegacije EU u Srbiji Karl Heinc Fogel.
Projektni tim, pored Bagija, čine vodja projekta sa strane Italije Đuzepe Čoti, stalni tvining savetnik projekta Rikardo Rosi-Pakani, stalni tvining savetnik projekta sa srpske strane Snežana Savčić-Petrić, asistent stalnog tvining savetnika Vanja Žanko i asistent za jezike Aleksandra Mirković.

Na svečanom otvaranju konferencije obratiće se i ambasador Italije u Srbiji Đuzepe Manco i savetnik ministra i direktor trećeg Sektora operacija Delegacije Evropske unije Endrju Hedi.


link na vest Ministarstva poljoprivrede Srbije