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Belgrade, 4 January 2022 – The United Nations in Serbia and the Italian Embassy in Serbia have announced the launch of a new youth mentoring program to promote human rights and youth participation in the development of their communities. The program is funded by the Italian Embassy and scheduled to run from January 1st to December 31st 2023, with a total budget of 130,000 EUR, with the Italian Embassy contributing 101,880 EUR.

The project seeks to expand the opportunities for youth participation at the local level and promote human rights and social cohesion. It will support young men and women to become social innovators, leaders, thinkers, and a powerful and informed force for change in their communities and country.

“This project is an important step to ensure that young people have the opportunity to actively contribute to the development of their communities and shape the future of their country,” says Francoise Jacob, UN Resident Coordinator in Serbia. “It will provide the resources and support necessary for young people develop their leadership skills and capacities to promote human rights and youth participation. The project is part of a wider UN initiative across the region on Youth empowerment for Peace, Development and Trust Building.

Luka Gori, Italian Ambassador Serbia praised the joint initiative, stating “This project is a great opportunity to strengthen the role of youth in protecting and promoting human rights, as well as increase youth participation at the local level. We are committed to helping young people unleash their potential to become social innovators and powerful forces for change.”

The project will be implemented by UNFPA and UN Women, in close cooperation with the Youth Advisory Group, and supported by the Resident Coordinator’s Office. It is expected to result in enhanced leadership skills and capacities of young men and women to promote human rights, youth rights and youth participation including through social media campaigns and visibility activities.


gori jacob