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The ADRION Programme opens a new call targeting Universities and research centres, as well as business institutions.

The overall goal of this 5th Extraordinary Call for Proposals is to raise competences and skills in domains considered of strategic relevance for the Adriatic-Ionian programme area, bridging to the new programming period, and ideally progressing in its path of sustaining marine/maritime, environmental and social innovation topics.

The Call focus on the following topics only:

  • Topic 1: Blue Economy
  • Topic 2: Social Innovation
  • Topic 3: Renewable Energy
  • Topic 4: Circular Economy

It will be aimed to develop preparatory measures for the activation of joint Master Programmes to be running in the 2021-2027 programming period. The projects successfully complying with the goals of the present call shall be considered as strategic and granted in the 2021-2027 IPA ADRION Programme.

The Call in a nutshell

Opening: 7 June 2022 at 10:00 – CEST time

Closure: 8 July 2022 at 15:00 – CEST time

Total budget of the Call : 4 MEUR

Projects proposals shall have an EU contribution (ERDF + IPAII) up to a maximum EUR 1.000.000,00 out of which up to EUR 750.000,00 (ERDF) and up to EUR 250.000,00 (IPAII).

Addressed beneficiaries:

  • Universities/faculties located in ERDF or IPA II Partner States;
  • Business institutions;
  • Research institutions with specific expertise in relation to the chosen topic.

Lead Partner
must be a University/faculty located in an ERDF Partner State; it may be a public body or a body under public law.

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