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Incontro degli Ambasciatori dei Paesi UE con il Primo Ministro Ana Brnabic

L’Ambasciatore Lo Cascio ha partecipato all’incontro che gli Ambasciatori dei Paesi UE, insieme al Delegato UE Fabrizi, hanno avuto col Primo Ministro Ana Brnabic. Di seguito il comunicato rilasciato dal Governo serbo al termine dell’incontro.

Government resolved to intensify reforms on path to EU

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stressed during today’s talks with Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Sem Fabrizi and ambassadors of the EU Member States that there is political will and firm preparedness of the Serbian government to intensify the reforms on Serbia’s EU path, which is the country’s top priority in the field of foreign affairs.

The meeting was also attended by Minister for European Integration Jadranka Joksimovic.

The Prime Minister informed the ambassadors that Serbia will continue working on implementation of the reforms in the area of rule of law and judicial reform, in the best interest of the Serbian citizens and society.

She said that efficiency and transparency of the judicial system is the basic foundation of a democratic society Serbia is striving for and an uncompromising goal of this government.

Regarding the upcoming activities, Brnabic said that an action plan for the Media Strategy will be adopted soon, and that the government remains dedicated to improving the dialogue with media and journalist associations.

The participants in the meeting also stressed the importance of having a ministry dedicated to social dialogue established, as well as its importance for improvement of dialogue among all actors in society.

The Prime Minister underlined that Serbia has accepted the new EU methodology, and that she is expecting a positive signal by the Union in the upcoming period and the opening of new chapters for which Serbia is fully prepared.

The Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia and the Ambassadors of EU Member States welcomed the formation of the new government and its clear commitment to expedite Serbia’s path to the EU, including through reforms particularly in the area of rule of law.

They encouraged the implementation of these reforms according to the recommendations of the European Commission’s Annual Report on Serbia.

They also reiterated their full solidarity with Serbia and its people during the pandemic. Team Europe – the EU, its Member States and Financial institutions like the EIB – will continue to stand by Serbia in this difficult moment.

Fabrizi also expressed appreciation for Serbia’s dedicated efforts to maintain stability of its economy in the difficult conditions of the epidemic. Fabrizi pointed out that the European Union will continue to financially support Serbia and the region through the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance, as well as the Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans.

Fabrizi explained that this support is particularly important for preservation of the economy and business activities during the pandemic and for boosting a long-term recovery.

The commitment to deepening regional economic integration and the creation of a common regional market and the Green Agenda were also assessed positively.

The Prime Minister, the Head of the EU Delegation and the Ambassadors of the EU Member States agreed to remain in close contact and to meet regularly.