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Poesia di Branka Jokić dedicata all’Italia e a tutti coloro che versano in questa situazione

Pubblichiamo l’email con la speciale poesia di Branka Jokić dedicata all’Italia e a tutti coloro che versano in questa situazione. Ringraziamo di cuore l’autrice per questa particolare attenzione e gesto d’affetto nei confronti del nostro popolo e del nostro Paese

“Cari amici italiani,

con la presente desidero esprimere il mio profondo rammarico per la scomparsa di molti vostri concittadini colpiti dal coronavirus. Trovo tante assomiglianze fra i nostri due popoli. Direi che abbiamo in comune la cordialità e l’umanità. Mi auguro che questa situazione in cui versa tutto il mondo passi presto e che tutto il mondo torni a ridere!

Desidererei in quest’occasione condividere con voi una mia poesia che riguarda maggiormente il vostro Paese ma anche tutti gli altri che combattono contro questa malattia insidiosa.

Cordiali saluti,

Branka Jokić”


When I fall asleep, I see Landscapes.

I see vineyards of Tuscany and sweet juicy grapes.

My father, on his front doorstep, spreading his arms towards me, saying:

“It’s been a long time since we haven’t seen. Come, overstep.”

Please father, hold my hand, don’t let it go.

When you hear calls of Angels, say: “It is not time for me to go!”

I woke up within noise of biiiiip

It is time to change the sheets

Somebody fell into a long, deep “sleep”.

They say be brave, one day this all will be gone!

But there is just one picture I see-

Everybody dies alone!!!

Where is the solidarity? Where is the humanity?

It is time for love. It is time to LIVE!

He is not among us anymore, they chose me cause I can stand better,

With both feet, on the floor.

Em, I pleased or with sorrow?

The system broke down,

Who knows will I survive tomorrow.

My soul suffers I have no strength,

The time is up,

The decision has to be made!

Who is the next in the line for life or eternal rest?

Please God, send us your merciful Blessed.

Everybody just repeats: „ Hold on,

It is not gonna last forever. One day this all will be gone.”

It’s easy to say. But everywhere I look I see the pain and going away.

It has no time to cry. It has no time to say goodbye.

Where is the solidarity? Where is the humanity?

It is time for love. It is time to LIVE!

Italy has hit the ground, we need help.

It cries and crumbles like an unprotected whelp

Time is precious let not waste it.

Together we can do everything

It is time to haste it.

It is time for solidarity. It is time for humanity.

It is time for love. It is time for LIFE!

It is time for solidarity. It is time for humanity

It is time for love. It is time for LIFE!