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EU funds document – call for expression of interest

Within the framework of the cooperation project “EU Desk II”, the Embassy of Italy is seeking for a qualified consultant or a company to prepare a document that should represent an overview of all European funds available for Serbia, as well as of IPA cross-border cooperation component for Serbia.

This concise user-friendly document shall contain the following information for all relevant European programmes in order to be coherent and easily comparable:
– Name and type
– Priorities and objectives, as well as thematic categories
– Time schedule of launching of calls / publication cycle, if applicable, with respective steps
– Beneficiaries, eligibility criteria for applicants and partners, including geographical coverage
– Total budget, amount and type of financing made available to each applicant, EU co-financing rate
– Supported activities

The above list of criteria is not exhaustive and is to be considered as a guide for consultants that could be expanded and/or modified in the submitted proposal.
The document shall be submitted both in English and Italian.
The deadline for the preparation of the above mentioned document is 24 October 2016.

The applicant shall send the full application containing the following documents by email to by 20 September 2016 at 12 p.m. (noon):
– CV of the applicant
– Proposal containing the outline of the document structure, and estimated page number
– Financial offer (specifying separately net amount, VAT, and total amount) shall be presented specifying costs for translation in Italian.

For all additional information you can contact us on and 011 3066 174.