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Impegno Italia apertura primo capitolo negoziato Ue, “ma decisione è di tutti Paesi membri”

(ANSAmed) – L’impegno dell’Italia per favorire l’apertura entro la fine dell’anno di un primo capitolo nel negoziato di adesione della Serbia alla Ue è stato sottolineato dall’ambasciatore a Belgrado Giuseppe Manzo.      
L’Italia, come presidente di turno del consiglio Ue, è pronta ad aiutare la Serbia nell’apertura del primo capitolo negoziale con l’Unione. È un tema che è nell’agenda dell’Italia e verrà messo sul tavolo”, ha detto Manzo intervenuto oggi a un incontro con gli studenti sul ruolo della presidenza europea, svoltosi allo stand della Ue allestito alla Fiera internazionale del libro in corso a Belgrado.
L’apertura dei capitoli negoziali, ha tuttavia precisato l’ambasciatore, non dipende dalla sola Italia ma da una decisione di tutti i Paesi membri, dal momento che tutte le decisioni in materia di allargamento vengono prese all’unanimità.
Sottolineando l’importanza dello “storico accordo” raggiunto da Belgrado con Pristina sulla normalizzazione dei rapporti, l’ambasciatore Manzo ha ricordato come fra qualche giorno, il primo novembre, il ministro degli esteri italiano Federica Mogherini si insedierà ufficialmente alla guida della diplomazia europea, ed è lei che bisognerà chiamare per “parlare con l’Europa”.
L’ambasciatore in precedenza era intervenuto alla presentazione della versione in italiano del libro intitolato ‘Inclini all’amore’ di Tijana M.Djerkovic.

Sul ruolo della Presidenza UE alla Fiera del libro a Belgrado


(speaking points of ambassador Manzo)
•      From 1st July to 31st December Italy is presiding over the Council of the European Union for the 11th time since (25 March) 1957, when Treaties of Rome were signed.
•      During this six-month term, the Presidency is in charge of preparing, coordinating and chairing the work of the Council which meets in 10 different “configurations”, depending on the subject being discussed (environment, education,  economic and financial affairs, justice and home affairs and so on).
•      It’s a very demanding and challenging task even for a big country like Italy since one has to plan and chair a huge number of meetings of the Council and its preparatory bodies, several informal ministerial meetings, summits and other meetings between the EU and third countries as well as many other specific events. The Presidency also represents the Council in relations with the other EU institutions (the Commission the European Parliament).
•      Though the rotating Presidency is supposed to act mainly as an “honest broker”, each Presidency has its own approach. It depends on how much you want to invest and to put both political and organizational efforts in your Semester by promoting legislative decisions, policy initiatives, and in negotiating with member states in order to reach common results.
•      As a founding member of the European Union and the third contributor to its budget; with a new Government strongly committed to advance the European project also through reforming policies and structures; Italy has abviously chosen to have a very ambitious program and to throw its political weight behind the work of the Council.
•      You will be able to see it for yourself since I printed and brought here for you the program that last July Prime Minister Matteo Renzi presented before the European Parliament.
•      The main priorities are: 1) a job friendly Europe and economic growth (the Italian Presidency is mainly focused on tackling youth unemployment, facilitating competitiveness and fostering growth of the European economy); 2) EU an area of democracy, rights and freedom (we think we should focus on how to narrow the gap European citizens perceive between them and the EU institution, in order to have a better and more democratic Europe); 3) global role of the EU. On this point, just let’s take some relevant examples: a) Italy considers the EU enlargement policy towards the Western Balkans a strategic priority to complete the original project of the EU founding fathers; b) our Presidency is very committed to develop a clear regional dimension of the Western Balkans c) we are working on a stronger coordination of EU Neighborhood Policy considering the current crisis in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq and Libya. As an Italian, I am sure that the appointment of the Italian MFA, Mrs Mogherini, will contribute to increase the standing  and visibility of the EU in the world.

Ambassador Michael Davenport Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia and Giuseppe Manzo Ambassador of Italy, as of the EU presiding country in this Semestre, talked to students of the Diplomacy and International Relations Forum of the Faculty of Political Sciences on the role of the EU presidency.

Speaking about the role of EU rotating presidency, Davenport said that the presidency was “the driver” in terms of enlargement policy, whereas the European Commission represented “the engine.” Ambassador Manzo explained that Italy, being the EU presiding country, stood ready to help Serbia open the first negotiating chapter in the EU accession process in December. 

“Italy, as a country presiding the Council of the EU, stands ready to help Serbia open the first chapter in the talks with the EU. It is on Italy’s agenda and it is the issue that will be put on the table,” said Manzo. Italian Ambassador noted that his current chief, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini, would in three days officially take office as head of European diplomacy and thus become Davenport’s chief, and Mogherini was the right person whose phone number ought to be dialled in order to “talk to Europe.”